We recently gave this advice to a client who is recording their own audio in the booth. It’s what we dubbed the three P’s of voicing eLearning content:
Passion: I personally think when you are passionate about a topic, it comes through in your recording. Our advice: The best motivator to recording something like this is to engage your passion and visualize the person you are talking to. To do this, we have to constantly refer to the next point.
Persona: You probably have had a student/learner in the past who you really connected with. They wanted to and needed to hear the content. Think of someone like that as you are walking into the recording booth and visualize that person as you record.
Pause: This has two aspects. First, take breaks. If it only took you an hour to record this, give yourself and extra 10 to 15 minutes and take a little longer break between scripts. Second, go slow. We can edit silence in the blink of an eye and the restarts are super easy. Just give a little longer pause when you restart. Be sure to recall that persona when you take your pauses.
I hope this insight helps. It’s a little theatrical, but that is the nature of what we do as facilitators / instructors / professionals when we create eLearning.
I’m glad to hear if someone disagrees or can add to this advice.
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